Hi. I'm a 14-year old aspiring game designer/developer who likes occasionally making art. I'm no professional artist, but I consider myself to be pretty good.

My digital art legacy somewhat began around the age of 8, when I began making a bunch of weird stuff in a cool coding website called Scratch. Of course, because I was eight and was very new to making art in Scratch's bitmap sprite editor, it was not good art. But over time, the way I drew things began to quickly evolve, and about five years later, I began to get pretty good at working with digital art. About a year or two ago, I began to experiment with other art forms, and eventually got good with them as well. An art class in eighth grade taught me plenty of things about various elements of the subject as well, and it helped me greatly improve my skills with a pencil. Nowadays, I'd say I'm at the point where I'm pretty skilled for a person my age.


  • Scratch: CommanderRedstone901
  • Discord: CommanderRuby#6044
  • Discord (Alt): CommanderRuby but mobile#7460
  • Pixilart: CommanderRuby